

The course project focused on our ability to compile, use, and defend relevant formative and summative research in the creation of an appropriate design solution to our specific experience. The project emphasized on the development of conceptual themes, formal exploration, and user-centered interaction in a time-based design.


For the project, I focused on the experience of riding a local mass transit system, Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT). The decision came from personal interactions while commuting with SacRT.


The areas of concern for SacRT include:

Discovery & Research



As a long-time commuter, I've had my fair share of experiencing the "dreaded" commute. The early mornings, delayed transit, line closures and packed transit. Even through it all, I've appreciated SacRT efforts to offer state-of-the-art service for the community as well as diverse offerings in transporation services for the region. However, the public transit system does suffer from safety and communication issues which seems to receive little to no adjustment over the course of the 48 years since their establishment.


Fraud evasion and insufficient security protocols make riding public transit seem less attractive as an alternative for commuting. Especially when these occurances are routinely shared throughout media outlets and personal experiences.


Delayed transit and line closures offer an opportunity to inform riders of the situation and reassure riders SacRT is handling the unexpected occurance. No mater the method of communcation, riders need to be informed throughout the experience.


I began researching the profile of SacRT in order understand who they are and how to make them competitive in their sector. Since the beginning of operations in 1973, SacRT has continued to make pathways in the expansion of their services. The expansion of service has offered the surrounding communities revenue, affordable transit, reduce traffic congestion and increased foot traffic for neighboring business.



For overview of the client, I drafted up a strategy workshop. The strategy workshop helped assist in the exploration of the identity of the service while prioritzig action items. Visual stimuli through the use of a moodboard was cullivated to give a visceral impression of the direction SacRT could aspire towards. The mood board served as a touchstone to assess whether the products are coming together in the system.


As I began probe through touchpoints, I came to realize the branding for SacRT was inadequate for the future of the transit system. SacRT prides itself on state-of-the-art service and becoming an industry leader in innovative solutions, but at the core of their values is the connection to the surrounding communities and its people. The 400 square-mile service radius neglects to establish a connection to the people in those communities.

The amended style guide should create the connection to the surround community while keeping pace with competitor within their sector. Giving the brand's visual language a modern look which communicates who they are and what customers can expect enables customers to trust in the brand promise. Once the brand trust is built by doing what it promises to do well and consistently, SacRT can use that as leverage to go further and strengthen the customer relationship.

Redesigned Logomark

Primary Logo with Clearspace

Primary Logo with Clearspace

Black & White Logo

Black & White Logo

Color Palette